Contact me for a free consultation.
I want to help you build happy, healthy relationships, and embody self love. I know you have felt like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole. I want you to know that you’ve been trying to fit into the wrong hole.
You have the choice between meeting in person, online, or a hybrid, it’s a brave new world out there.
Any Questions?
How much do sessions cost?
Individual 50 Minute Sessions are $175
Couple 80 Minute Sessions are $260
How long will I need to come to counseling?
There is no cut and dry answer to this question. Let me help with some context to help broker some understanding. The challenges that you bring into therapy you’ve been struggling with for years, if not decades. These behaviors, patterns, communication styles are a part of you. It take time to change what you have always done. I find most clients find the most benefit in staying for around a year. Some more, some less. This time and money is an investment in your happiness and healing.
How often will I need to come to counseling?
The best results happen when coming weekly, just to be frank. Weekly means that sometimes we may have a slower week, but we will have more time to focus on you and the challenges you are struggling with and not catching up on the adventures and misadventures of the last couple weeks. Weekly sessions mean we can focus on healing and growth.
How do I seek reimbursement from my insurance company?
While I don’t take insurance myself, I can provide paperwork that you can give to your insurance company for reimbursement. If this is the route you wish to take, let me know. I’ll provide you what you need at month’s end each month.
What if I don’t fit the identities you work with?
You know those legal stipulations that go something like “Including but not limited to…”? These arenas you see listed as my specialties; they are not exhaustive of my skill set. If you are reading my voice and are feeling that connection, contact me. You feeling like you could work with me is more important than what my specialties are.
I don’t live in Sonoma County. Do you see people online?
If you are comfortable with telehealth appointments, I am ok with that. I want you to find the therapist that you feel best serves you and your healing. It’s pretty amazing this brave new frontier we’re in and the ways that it has opened up our world, right?